Cybersecurity in 2025: How To Secure Federal Networks with Next-Gen Strategies
2025 Tech Trends: Navigating the Future with ATP Gov Cybersecurity in 2025: Securing Federal Networks with Next-Gen Strategies Author: Eric Monterastelli Cybersecurity in 2025: Securing Federal Networks with Next-Gen Strategies As cyber threats become more sophisticated each day, the Federal Government continues prioritizing cybersecurity as a national security

ATP Gov Achieves National Women’s Business Enterprise Certification From WBENC
ATP Gov Achieves WBENC National Women’s Business Enterprise Certification ATP Gov, a leader in providing advanced IT solutions to federal, state, and local government agencies, proudly announces its achievement of the National Women’s Business Enterprise Certification from the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). This prestigious certification is a testament
ATP Gov Secures Multi-Year Contract with Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) for Interactive Displays & Peripherals
ATP Gov Secures Multi-Year Contract with Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) for Interactive Displays & Peripherals Elk Grove Village, IL – April 29, 2024 – ATP Gov is pleased to announce its recent success in securing the prestigious Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Interactive Displays & Peripherals Indefinite

The Future of Government Tech: Key Trends to Watch in Federal Agencies in 2025
The Future of Government Tech: Key Trends to Watch in Federal Agencies As technology advances rapidly, the federal government increasingly relies on emerging technologies to modernize its operations, improve services, and secure sensitive information. From artificial intelligence (AI) to cybersecurity, digital transformation, and cloud computing, several key trends are shaping

The Rugged Panasonic TOUGHBOOK
Written by: Gary Mosso ATP Gov is a Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Prime Partner with many successful deployments within the United States Air Force (USAF). Several of those Projects included the use of Panasonic TOUGHBOOK Rugged 2-in-1 Devices for USAF Mission Planning Systems (MPS). MPS is a collaborative United States Air Force

Data Center Pain Points: What Keeps IT Directors Up
Written By: Robert Sherlock As we enter the age of Digital Transformation several key factors present themselves to IT Directors. How can they manage their current environment, plan for growth and do more with less? Enter the four major pain points that must be addressed by the IT directorate. Financial